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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Brighella Bábtagozata
Lázár Ervin
The liar mouse
Director: Szabó Attila guest
Tervező: Bartal Kiss Rita guest
Alapszöveg: Lázár Ervin
Színpadra alkalmazta: Veres András
Composer: Bakk-Dávid László
Fény: Szátvári Csaba
Sound: Fehér Róbert
Prompter: Liegner Zsolt
Stage manager: Liegner Zsolt
Assistent: Kófity Annamária
First performance:02/03/2024
About the performance

Lázár Ervin, the great storyteller, needs no introduction. His stories and heroes are well known to young and old alike.

The story of the lying mouse is an amusing and wise example of the difference between lying and dreaming, between storytelling and poetry. Is it a lie to give hope to someone in need of encouragement? Our feisty hero pulls many of the forest's inhabitants out of the woods with his strange stories. He "lies" his way through the tale in a charming, colourful way, only to return home satisfied that he has helped others today.

The performance creates its own little puppet world with the help of Lázár Ervin's lovely animal characters, with lots of playfulness and lots of love.

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