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Bocsárdi László

Year and place of birth: 1958, Târgu Mureş

1984 – Traian Vuia Politechnic Institute, faculty of chemical engineering, Timişoara
1995 – University of Theatre, stage-directing

Contact: bocsardi@tamasitheatre.ro

Directions outside the Tamási Áron Theatre:
1987–1991 – Alfred Jarry: Ubu Roi – Studio Theatre Figura
1988 – Federico Garcia Lorca: Blood Wedding– Studio Theatre Figura
1989 – Lucian Blaga: Master Manole – Studio Theatre Figura
1992 – Evgheny Shvarts: The Dragon – Hungarian State Theatre Cluj
1993 – C. Castellani: The Profligate Son – Studio Theatre Figura
1999 – József Katona: Bánk bán (The Viceroy) – The Theatre in Zsámbék
2001 – John Millington Synge: The Playboy of the Western World – National Theatre Craiova
2000 – Sophocles: Antigone – The Theatre in Zsámbék
2002 – William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus – Castle Theatre in Gyula
2004 – Luigi Pirandello: Clothing the Naked – Hungarian State Theatre Cluj
2005 – William Shakespeare: Cymbeline – Odeon Theatre, Bucharest
2006 – Sophocles: Electra – Örkény Theatre, Budapest
2007 – William Shakespeare: King Lear – National Theatre in Budapest
2008 – Péter Nádas: The Funeral – Comedy Theatre, Bucharest
2008 – Moliére: Don Juan – Toma Caragiu Theatre, Ploieşti
2008 – William Shakespeare: Hamlet – Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest
2009 – Ödön von Horváth: A Sexual Congress – at the National Theatre in Târgu-Mureş
2010 – Luigi Pirandello: Don’t Know How – Bárka Theatre, Budapest
2011 – Albert Camus: Caligula – Marin Sorescu National Theatre, Craiova
2011 – Albert Camus: The Misunderstanding – German State Theatre, Timisoara
2013 Two Polish Plays (Michał Walczak: Sandbox and Marek Modzelewski: Enthronement)   Târgu Mureş University of Theatre

1997 – Kádár Imre Award of the Hungarian Cultural Society of Transylvania for his originality of the direction of Tamási’s Valiant Soul
1998 – Award for the Liberty of the Art – from the Covasna County Cultural Inspectorate
2003 – Jászai Mari Prize by the Ministry of Education and Culture
2003 – Award for Best Director from the Romanian Cultural Ministry – W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
2004 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for his direction of Sophocles’ Antigone
2005 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for his direction of W. Shakespeare’s Othello, Moor of Venice
2005 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for best play – W. Shakespeare: Othello, Moor of Venice
2008 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for his direction of Don Juan at the Toma Caragiu Theatre in Ploieşti.
2009 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for his direction of Witold Gombrowicz: Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
2009 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for best play – Witold Gombrowicz: Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
2009 The Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary
2010 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) nomination for his direction of  William  Shakeseare: The Merchant of  Venice
2012 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) Prize for the Best Director for Camus' Caligula
2013 – Prize for The Contemporary Culture in Transilvania
2014 – Uniter (The Romanian Theatrical Union) Prize for the Best Director for William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Participation at international theatre festivals:
Polonia Express Festival, Budapest (1997) – Water Hen
Donaufest, Ulm (200) – Blood Wedding
International Theatre Festival, Sibiu – Blood Wedding (2001); Romeo and Juliet (2003); Othello, the Moor of Venice (2005); The Playboy of the Western World (2007)
International Shakespeare Festival, Craiova (2003) – Romeo and Juliet
„Kontakt” Theatre Festival, Torun (2004) – Antigone
Shakespeare Festival, Gdansk (2004) – Romeo and Juliet
Gombrowicz Festival, Radom (2010) – Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
„Interferences” International Theatre Festival, Cluj (2010) – Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
Shakespeare Festival, Gyula
Othello, the Moor of Venice (2005);The Merchant of Venice (2011)
National Theatre Festival, Pécs –
Prophet Ilya (2002); The Good Man Of Sezhuan (2005); Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy (2008); The Miracle – based on a play by Áron Tamási (2009); The Merchant of Venice (2011)
National Theatre Festival, Bucuresti –
Blood Wedding (2000); Kasimir and Karoline (2001); The Good Man Of Sezhuan (2004); King Lear (2007); The Merchant of Venice (2011)



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