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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Brighella Bábtagozata
G. Szász Ilona
Tótágas avagy bolond mesék
Photogallery: Tótágas avagy bolond mesék
Director: Bartal Kiss Rita guest
Set design: Nagy-Kovács Géza guest
Puppets: Rófusz Kinga guest
Composer: Keller-Dénes Emőke guest Keller Dániel Máté guest
First performance:22/10/2021
About the performance

The world is turned upside down, that is, when one acts in a straight line of face, just as it is reasonable to. Our puppet show presents viewers with three crazy tales. In the first tale, the squabbling man, John the SimpleTon, applies good advice badly. He always remembers only the last teaching, which does not fit the situation in any way. In the second tale, we introduce Suddenly Marcsa. He does everything at once, only to finish his duties quickly. The third tale is the story of Ilók and Mihók. The simple-minded Mihok is about to get married, he's going to see Ilók's girl suitor. However, gifts are poorly used: he wants to put the plow on his hat, pull the bacon behind him, and finally tie the bride to the barn. Do our heroes learn from their experiences: the hilarious performance reveals!


Az előadás létrejöttét támogatta az NKA - Nemzeti Kulturális Alap és a Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő ZRT.

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