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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Harag György Társulat
William Shakespeare
The Comedy of Errors
The Comedy of Errors
Photogallery: Előadás_theater
Photogallery: Tévedések vígjátéka
Solinus, Duke of Ephesus:Kovács Nikolett
Egeon, A merchant of Syracuse, father of the Antipholus twins:Rappert-Vencz Gábor
Antipholus of Ephesus, son of Egeon and Emilia:Diószegi Attila guest
Antipholus of Syracuse, son of Egeon and Emilia:Nagy Csongor Zsolt
Dromio of Ephesus, serving his respective Antipholus:Orbán Zsolt
Dromio of Syracuse, serving his respective Antipholus:Bodea Gál Tibor
Balthazar, a merchant:Gaál Gyula Bessenyei István †
Angelo, a goldsmith:Nagy Orbán
First merchant, friend to Antipholus of Syracuse:Frumen Gergő
Second merchant, to whom Angelo is in debt:Varga Sándor
Doctor Pinch:Nagy Tamás
Emília, Antipholus' lost mother:Méhes Kati
Adriana, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus:Moldován Blanka
Luciana, Adriana's sister:Budizsa Evelyn
Luca, maid to Adriana:Kovács Nikolett
Courtesan:Keresztes Ágnes
And:Ferenczik György Balogh Géza Budai József Peleș Marco-Roberto
Director: Bocsárdi László guest
Set design: Bartha József guest
Costume designer: Cs. Kiss Zsuzsanna guest
Dramaturg: Benedek Zsolt guest
Composer: Boros Csaba guest
Light designer: Bányai Tamás guest
Set designer assistant: Fornvald Gréti
Costume designer assistant: Szabó Anna
Prompter: Nagy Anikó
Stage manager: Fábry Zoltán
Assistant: Poszet Nándor
First performance:05/02/2017
Duration of the performance cca. 160 minute(s) (1 intermission).
About the performance

Why does this woman cry to me? What does he want from me?  If she is, indeed, my wife had to marry her in my dreams… Why does this man look so strange to me? Why can't he understand me? Perhaps he is not true to me, that's why he does not look into my eyes. No, no, it can't be true, it makes no sense! It must be an error! Do I dream? How could I be able to wake up? What should I do, to end that fearful experience?
If the situation in which I find myself is tragic or comic, depends only on the auteur: when I am in the middle of a cyclone, if there are all put into my set blames, I would rather wailing cry. However, if I succeed, at least for a moment, let me come off, if I look at things on a hill heights, I probably have a great fun. But how could you leave this cursed until I don't know even what is at stake? I need to guess myself what role I am playing here, as well as who forces me to play this role. Give me at least one more day to find out what is the point of this error! Did I have enough money to survive this day?

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